Gunsmithing and Cleaning

1/16th inch Allen Wrench for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Wrench allen 1/16

SKU: wrench1-16

Price: $1.00

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This Allen Wrench is the size you need to adjust the index screw on an A2 or Carry Handle Rear...
3/16th inch Allen Wrench for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Wrench 3/16

SKU: wrench3-16t

Price: $6.95

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AR15 / M16 Armorers know that the AR pistol grip screw can be difficult to reach. This is the tool...
5.56mm NATO Caliber Headspace FIELD Gauge for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Gauges headspace field 556

SKU: 556-field

Price: $59.95

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This high quality machined steel gauge determines overly excessive headspace in the barrel’s firing chamber. This can indicate firing chamber...
5.56mm NATO Caliber Headspace GO Gauge for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Gauge headspace go 556

SKU: 556-go

Price: $59.95

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This high quality machined steel gauge measures headspace in the barrel’s firing chamber. It is also used to indicate proper...
5.56mm NATO Caliber Headspace NO-GO Gauge for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Gauges no go 556

SKU: 556-nogo

Price: $59.95

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This high quality machined steel gauge determines excessive headspace in the barrel’s firing chamber, as well as too much chamber...
A1/A2 Sight Adjustment Tool for AR15 / M16
Sight Adjustment Tool A1/A2


Price: $19.95

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This compact tool is essential in your AR15 field kit or range bag. It will adjust the height of both...
Preventative Maintenance Kits 1-308

SKU: PM1-308

Price: $45.00

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If you want your AR-10 rifle to keep running smoothly, pick up this AR-10 Preventative Maintenance Kit and replace some...
Preventative Maintenance Kit 2-308

Price: $47.80$51.00

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If you want your AR-10 rifle to keep running smoothly, pick up this AR-10 Preventative Maintenance Kit and replace some...
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Preventative Maintenance Kits 1

SKU: pm1

Price: $29.95$35.75

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If you want your rifle to keep running smoothly, pick up this AR-15 Preventative Maintenance Kit and replace some of...
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Preventative Maintenance Kits 2


Price: $29.75$35.95

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If you want your rifle to keep running smoothly, pick up this AR-15 Preventative Maintenance Kit and replace some of...
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AR15/M16 Barrel Wrench Plate
Barrel Wrench Plate


Price: $45.95

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This wrench plate is machined with a 1/2″ square for use with a torque wrench. It has 9 hardened pins...
Birchwood Casey Super Blue - 3 oz.
Cleaning Birchwood Casey Super Blue - 3 oz.

SKU: bc-13425

Price: $29.95

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This double-strength blueing solution is designed for blueing highly polished steel parts and hardened steels containing nickel and chrome alloys...
Bolt & Carrier Carbon Scraper / MultiTool for AR15/M16
Carbon scraper multi tool

SKU: carbonscraper

Price: $39.95

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Here’s the handiest little AR Bolt & Carrier care tool you can keep in your range bag. The Combat Application...
Bolt & Carrier Carbon Scraper for .308
Carbon/bolt Scraper 762

SKU: carbonscraper-762

Price: $45.00

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This tool allows the operator to clean the weapon and restore the bolt and carrier group to “tactical tolerance” in...
Breakthrough Battle Born HP Pro Lubricant and Protectant
Clean Breakthrough Battle Born HP Pro Lubricant and Protectant 2oz


Price: $29.95

Breakthrough’s Battle Born HP Pro Lubricant and Protectant is a blend of high quality, 100% synthetic gun cleaning oils. This...

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Breakthrough Military-Grade Solvent
Clean Breakthrough Military-Grade Solvent 2 oz


Price: $19.99

Breakthrough’s military-grade solvent is a completely safe and odorless solvent that helps removes all carbon, copper, lead and barrel fouling,...

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Spring Kit complete - rifle

SKU: kit-compspring-r

Price: $9.65$9.95

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This is a one-stop shop for fresh springs! This kit contains every spring used in a Windham Weaponry .223/5.56 rifle, including: (1) charging handle latch spring; (2) ejector/safety detent springs; (1) extractor spring; (1) buffer retainer spring; (1) bolt catch plunger spring; (1) magazine catch spring; (2) take down/pivot pin springs; (1) hammer spring; (1) trigger spring; (1) disconnector spring; (1) forward assist spring; (1) ejection port cover spring; (1) front sight post detent spring; and (1) buffer spring. Buffer springs are available for adjustable and fixed stock rifles. All parts are made in the USA.
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Drift Punch Set for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Drift Punch Set

SKU: kit-punchset

Price: $69.95

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All the drift Punches you need for work on the AR15/M16 platform rifle, this quality set of Starret punches includes...
Field Repair Kit for 7.62x39mm Rifles

SKU: kit-fieldrepair-762

Price: $39.95

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This Kit will keep your 7.62x39mm Windham Weaponry Rifle fully functional in the field – a complete selection of the...
Field Repair Kit for AR15

SKU: kit-fieldrepair

Price: $44.95

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This Kit is designed to provide every part you would need to keep your rifle fully functional in the field...
Field Repair kit 308

SKU: kit-fieldrepair-308

Price: $69.00

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Windham Weaponry has compiled all the necessary parts to keep your .308 functioning in the field in this convenient kit....
Cleaning Kit GI 223


Price: $20.00

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This basic Field Cleaning Kit For AR-15 .223 / 5.56 Cal. from Bulls Eye should have a home in your...
Cleaning Kit 308


Price: $20.00

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Here’s a handy Field Cleaning Kit For AR-10 .308 Cal. – a favorite of hunters, law enforcement, and the military....
Handguard Removal Tool for AR15 / M16
Handguard Removal Tool

SKU: hgd-tool

Price: $15.95

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For Easy Removal of Standard Handguards on All AR15 Rifles. How to Use
Heavy Duty Armorers Screwdriver for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Screwdriver heavy duty

SKU: sdriver5-16

Price: $8.95

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This sturdy 5/16th” flat bladed screwdriver is perfectly sized for a number of AR15/M16 Armorer’s chores – specifically the top...
Lower Receiver Vise Block for .308 AR Lower Receivers
block vise lower receiver 308

SKU: block-lower-308

Price: $28.95

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This durable, multi-purpose and essential tool clamps into a bench vise, so that you can then slide a .308 lower...
Most Wanted Parts Kit for AR15 / M16
Most Wanted Parts Kit AR

SKU: kit-mostwanted

Price: $21.95

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Here are all those critical little parts that seem to go missing when you’re working on your rifle – the ones that...
Roll Pin Punches
Drift punch set

SKU: sta-pnchset

Price: $9.25$11.95

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These steel roll pin punches are an invaluable tool for when you need to recess a roll pin below the...
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Spring Pin Starter Punches for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Punches starter spring pin

SKU: punches-starter

Price: $39.95

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This indispensable set of tools is specifically created for the tasks of holding and starting the various Spring Pins used...
Takedown Pin Tool for AR15 / M16 Armorers Kit
Takedown Pin Tool

SKU: tdpintool

Price: $19.95

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This handy little tool that will push out Takedown or Pivot pins in the AR Lower Receiver. The hole in...
Telestock Wrench for AR15 / M16
Telestock Wrench

SKU: wrench-tele

Price: $8.95

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An essential tool for the armorer or AR Carbine owner, this dual function steel Telestock Wrench will quickly tighten or...
Windham Weaponry .223 / 5.56mm Bore Brush
Brush bore 223

SKU: brush-bore-223

Price: $9.99

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This quality Bore Brush for .223 / 5.56mm caliber barrels features the finest phosphor bronze bristles on a looped and...
Windham Weaponry .223 / 5.56mm Chamber Brush
Brush chamber 223

SKU: brush-chamber-223

Price: $9.95

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This original mil spec quality Chamber Brush is threaded 8/36 to fit standard rods. Bronze bristles scrub out the chamber...
Windham Weaponry Laminated Parts Guide


Price: $2.95

In Stock

We developed this Parts Reference Guide for use in our Armorer’s Courses and found it so popular we decided to...
Windham Weaponry Visual Guide Countermat
Counterman Visual Guide

SKU: acc-countermat

Price: $19.95

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We’ve created an indispensable guide to our WW-15 Rifles in the form of this handy countermat. Every part of the...
Wipe-Out Patch-Out Brushless Bore Cleaner
Cleaner Patch-Out Brushless Bore

SKU: cleaner-patch-out

Price: $49.35

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This revolutionary new product has impressed us with its effectiveness. Heavily fouled barrels come clean in a very short time...
Wipe-Out Tactical Advantage Brushless Bore Cleaner
Cleaner Tactical Advantage Brushless Bore Cleaner

SKU: cleaner-tacadv

Price: $49.35

On Backorder

Wipe-Out Tactical Advantage™ Brushless Bore Cleaner is the first product dedicated solely for the problems faced by the tactical shooter....

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